NetApp Resize Volume — Command Line

Обновлено 04.06.2019

netapp logoGood day! Dear readers and subscribers of the large Russian IT blog Last time, we discussed how to remove a GPT-protected partition. Today I will teach you how to work with partitions on NetApp storage systems. We will look at examples of increasing and decreasing sections. I think that this operation will be demanded in your practice. The following command will resize a NetApp Volume, in this example I am increasing the volume ‘cifs1’ by 200Mb:

NetApp Resize Volume Command – Increase Vol Size

netapp> vol size cifs1 +200m
vol size: Flexible volume 'cifs1' size set to 700m.

Note: The volume ‘cifs1’ was originally 500Mb now we have added an additional 200Mb to the volume making it 700Mb.

NetApp Resize Volume - Command Line

NetApp Reduce Volume Size Command

Reducing the volume size is exactly the same as increasing the NetApp volume size, you simply use – instead of +. Here is an example reducing the volume ‘cifs1’ by 200Mb:

netapp> vol size cifs1 -200m
vol size: Flexible volume 'cifs1' size set to 500m.
Автор - Сёмин Иван

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