Download Juniper vMX Router 15.1F4 for VMWare ESXi 5.5
Hello everyone, today I want to share with you a way virtual machine for VMWare ESXi 5.5 with Juniper vMX Router 15.1F4 on 05 Jan 2016. This image has asked me to put one of the readers. All bathed in a cloud of Yandex on disk, so that the speed will be different. Any questions, please write in the comments.
I recall using Juniper vMX router you can in a virtual environment VMWare ESXi 5.5, expand the exact copy of the real Juniper router, see how it works and to test. File size 1.5 GB. all packaged in an archive for convenience. Before you deploy, do not forget to check the checksum. Also, recently, I was lecturing distribution vSRX VMware Appliance with SCSI virtual disk 15.1X49-D15, DOWNLOAD rd can be the same with clouds. In the following article, I will show how to install the Juniper vMX router.
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