NetApp Delete / Destroy Volume — Command Line


Hello, nice to see you on the pages of his blog, I am pleased that you, too, decided to explore on netapp technology. Today we look at how to remove the Volume via the command line.The following command will delete a NetApp Volume, in this example I am going to delete the vol called ‘cifs1’:

netapp> vol destory cifs1

The output of the NetApp destroy volume command will look similar to:

netapp> vol destroy cifs1 

NetApp vol destroy output:

netapp> vol destroy cifs1

Are you sure you want to destroy

volume 'cifs1'? yes Volume 'cifs1' destroyed.

netapp> Sun May 5 16:05:14 GMT [netapp01:wafl.vvol.destroyed:info]: Volume cifs1 destroyed 

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