Netapp Show Inode Count for All Volumes

Обновлено 01.06.2019

netApp logoGood day! Dear readers and guests of one of the largest IT blogs in Russia When I first started working as a system administrator, very often I came across the fact that I could not complete the task, due to the fact that I had no experience with the equipment, did not know the commands and always worked through the graphical interface, which one day broke, and here, as always, it was necessary to find out the information on how many volumes we have on the storage system. There was nothing to do, how to climb ssh and learn the commands of netApp. It’s good that you can take advantage of every situation. Below I will introduce you to some teams. How to show the Inode count for all volumes using the df command.

This Netapp HowTo is useful for the following

  • Netapp show Inode count
  • Netapp Volume Inode usage
  • Netapp show free Inodes

For more commands, see the link.

Netapp Show Inode Count / Free Inodes

netapp> df -i
Filesystem               iused      ifree  %iused  Mounted on
/vol/vol0/                5188      20688     20%  /vol/vol0/

So here just to see all the sections. Site material

Автор - Сёмин Иван

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